
7 weeks pregnant, 8th week of development

BABY IS GETTING FINGERS! This is big news! Baby Butchart is also half an inch long, about the size of a raspberry. Baby's eyelids, ears, upper lip and the tip of baby's nose are forming. Isn't that cool?

News in pregnancy: I have a superpower. I am... THE SUPER NOSE. I smell EVERYTHING. Sometimes this is a bad thing... like when I'm cooking, or every time I pass the garbage can. But sometimes it's a good thing! Last night when I was taking Blake for his walk I could smell the different flowers without even getting close to them, and I could smell the fruit trees. This one house must have been cooking something pumpkin-y, because it smelled WONDERFUL.

Also, for those who are interested, Trevor and I will be in Las Vegas Sunday night through Wednesday. Premier is sending Trevor there for a Welding Convention, and I get to tag along :) If there are any suggestions for things we should do while we're there, leave us a comment!

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