For everyone who's interested, here is a quick run-down of what happened last night when I went to the hospital. It really wasn't that big of a deal, and I don't want anyone to worry.
Ever since I was a kid, I've gotten migraines. They stopped for a while during high school, but started coming back at the end of senior year. I don't know why, but believe me, I'm trying to figure out what my triggers are. Anyway, last night I woke up at 1 o'clock with an AWFUL migraine. Normally if I get them at night, I wake up before this point so I can take 3 or 4 Ibuprofen or some Excedrin Migraine. Anyway, I didn't trust myself to walk to the kitchen, so I woke up Trevor who went and got me some drugs. Normally within about 20 minutes, these would kick in. Last night it didn't. I waited until about 1:40 before I started blacking out a little. Well, I don't know if that's the right word, but my vision was messing with me, so I woke up Trevor again and told him I needed to go to the hospital. We went, they gave me some more pills and some shots for the nausea and the pain, and then they discharged me. The doctor I talked to said that if they start coming back like this more frequently, then I should get a CT scan. He also gave me some more information on migraines to look over, so I'm going through that to see if it will help me pinpoint whatever is triggering them.
I feel fine now, just a little wobbly and kind of gross from the drugs and such. I have a high regard for Madison Memorial hospital now. The nurses were really kind to me, and the doctor on call was wonderful, and they had real sheets on the bed, not the uncomfortable paper stuff. I'm skipping my one class today because we're watching a movie, and I don't think it would be wise to sit in a dark room while staring at a small screen. I'm probably going to sleep a lot today, so if you try to call me and I don't answer, that's why. Don't worry, I'll call you back later.