
Blogger Outrage Kicking In

This is my blogger outrage... it is snowing outside. Monday, May 12, 2008. It's almost summer! What is with this? It has been snowing since last October. That is EIGHT months of snow. When it snowed in April, I understood. I said to myself "it's okay, you knew what you were getting into when you moved to Eastern Idaho." But this is just ridiculous.

For FHE tonight, Trevor and I are moving to Mexico.

By the way, today is also International Feel Sorry For Yourself Day. You might as well take advantage of it.


Anonymous said...

Have fun in Mexico, I hear it's very warm, so wear lots of sunscreen. ; )

Evenspor said...

We had snow yesterday too! I am afraid it killed my new strawberry plants. I thought I was safe planting a garden in mid-May. Apparently not.

mo mcd said...

Someday, it'll be disgustingly hot. I don't know if that makes you feel better.