It's been a while since I posted something about the baby, so I thought I would post this! Baby Atticus has been so active lately, I'm beginning to wonder if he'll come out dancing. And he has also taken to sticking out right to the left of my belly button. All the time. I'm not sure if it's a knee or an elbow, but he loves to jab it straight out, causing mommy to make a weird face which causes strangers to stare at her. He's also taking advantage of the space by doing somersaults, which feels SO weird.
Developmentally, he's getting fatter, probably with adorable dimples like his daddy :) He's 16 inches long, 3.3 pounds, and heading into a growth spurt.

This Saturday, Trevor and I went to an all day birthing/newborn care class provided by the hospital. It was great and we learned some good pain management techniques, but I have to admit that we spent a lot of time laughing. We did practice sessions throughout the day, where the teacher would time out "contractions", and our labor coach had to help us through whatever technique we had been talking about. This was great for the most part, but we had a hard time with the visualization technique... probably because our teacher kept talking about purple clouds wrapping around her.
Anyway, our labor coach was to come up with a place to "take" us for five minutes, to remove us from the pain and stress of the contraction. By the third time we had to do this, Trevor and I were in fits of giggles. Trevor said "I can't think of anywhere to take you!", so I suggested "Take me to the fair, I love the fair."
"I hate the stupid fair!"
"You're not the one in labor! Tell me about the baby sheep and the fair rides and the hypnotists and the giant lemonades."
"Fine. We get in the stupid car and drive to the dumb fair. We go on the rides that make me puke and then I lose my wallet. We eat some corn dogs and elephant ears that make us sick and then we get in the car and get stuck in the traffic on the way home."
"I hate elephant ears, I'd rather get some cinnamon almonds."
"I want a funnel cake."
"Okay, get a funnel cake. Tell me about the baby animals."
"There are baby horses, baby cows..."
"Baby pigs! Oh, are there baby sheep?"
This went on for five minutes. The rest of the couples seemed to be having an equally hard time with it, because I'm pretty sure all ten couples were laughing... even the girl who was horribly uncomfortable with twins. I guess the lesson here is that if we want to so this, I'd better write out a script for him to read.