So we finally got to scratch the camping itch this weekend... literally. We were covered in mosquitos for most of the trip. We went to Cave Falls in Wyoming, about an hour and a half away from here. It was BEAUTIFUL!! If it weren't for the mosquitos, it really would be the perfect camping spot. The site layout is great, it's right next to a river, and there are brand new bathrooms! They don't even smell! And of course, not far from the campsite are the actual Cave Falls themselves. Gorgeous! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
There was an incident... involving Trevor's glasses... and the river. Suffice it to say that somewhere out there, a fish has much better vision than Trevor now. This is the last picture we have of them.
We took Blake. His favorite part was swimming around in the river, biting at the waves. It wasn't as cold as I expected, I even waded around a little bit. Blake also lost a treasured possession to the river: his tennis ball. It wasn't that much of a loss though, as anyone who knows him will testify. He'll play catch with pretty much anything, anytime.
Generic camping pictures... the bottom one is Trevor cooking breakfast and just being generally awesome, and the top one is me trying to stay warm by the campfire.
Us by the falls. They weren't very tall, but they were long!!
One of the coolest parts of the trip (for me anyway)was the baby birds. Yes! There was a nest right on the wall of the clean bathroom nearest to us, with some freshly hatched chicks. I thought they were cute, even in their wrinkly, naked state, but Trevor thought their eyes were too weird looking to be cute. I believe the words he used were "They look like aliens!" Or something along those lines.
So I think we'll probably go back, but we'll go back armed with gigantic amounts of mosquito repellent, including those huge candles. Anybody want to come?
November 2016
7 years ago
Ok, ozzy bought me a present yesterday and I'm sleepily reading through Breaking Dawn. It even convinced Ozzy to read Twilight! Ok, I think it's actually him starting to get a little crazy from staying home from work the last two weeks. Did Trevor score you a copy yet?
Im jealous.
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