
32 Week Update

My uterus is nearly at full capacity. Yes, I'm really this big. I keep waiting for Scotty from Star Trek to run in and yell something like "We're going to have to eject the core to get back to normal, Cap'n!"

This weeks appointment did not go perfectly. The biophysical profile showed that Baby B has some pretty low amniotic fluid levels. Baby A is still fine, she has plenty of room to kick (trust me). Because it's just one baby the Dr is pretty sure this means that the placenta is not functioning as well as it should, not that I'm just dehydrated. If Baby B's fluid gets much lower, then we'll be having some premature babies.

Both babies are still handling life in utero well, the NST went fine, and they were both doing some great practice breathing on the BPP. We didn't get any measurements this week, but they look (and feel) bigger. Probably about 4 pounds each by now.

Also, The Butchart Home is where electronics come to die. Our computer is down and out for the next week, so my online presence will be pretty quiet.

Thank you for reading our update, and please keep the girls in your prayers. Thank you! We love you!


Rebecca said...

You are all definitely in our prayers. I'm going crazy and there's only one baby inside me! You are amazing Michelle!

red said...

I love you honey. Don't worry, girls in our family come strong, and able to catch what life can throw. You and they will be just fine.