The weather is really nice today, so Atticus and I took Blake out into the yard to play catch for a while. We did, and when Blakes tongue got to be a foot long from panting, we put him in the back yard and went to just sit in the sunshine.
We have this thing. It's called a "Hyper-Ball-E". It's a retractable stick with a cup on the end that throws the ball really far. You might even say it throws the ball exaggeratedly far... get it? Anyway, I like it because it means I don't have to touch the gross slobbery ball with my hand. Atticus likes it because he only gets to play with it when we're outside.
We sat on a blanket and I basked in the 70 degree sunshine while Atticus played with the stick. I kept messing with him, trying to get him to play games with me, so after a minute or two he took the stick and crawled about 4 feet away onto the grass. Receiving the so clearly stated message, I lay down and settled in to watch The Kid.
Atticus flung the stick around. He flipped it this way and that, felt every inch, held it up to his face, and touched it to the ground. He started to put it in his mouth a few times before I could get the word "NONONO" out of my mouth. He whacked himself on the head with it. He grabbed onto it as hard as he could. He poked it.
After about 15 minutes of this, I could see he was getting frustrated. I guessed that he was trying to make it retract into a smaller stick, as he had seen me do with it. Eventually, he threw it on the ground, started crying, and crawled over to me.
He sat in my lap for 5 seconds, and then crawled back over to the stick.
He picked it up again, started the whole process over again, but quicker. After maybe 3 minutes, he once again threw it on the ground and started crying. Then he picked it up, crawled back over to me, and sat in my lap again, this time with the stick in hand. He worked at it and finally managed to retract the stick and make it small again. He spent a few minutes making the stick big and small and big and small and big. Then we went inside and ate some yogurt.
A few months ago, my sewing machine broke. I couldn't figure out what on earth was wrong with it, and after a few minutes I gave up and moved onto something else.
When Trevor came home, I told him it was broken. "Okay, I'll look at it."
"Don't you want to eat dinner first?"
"No, it's probably an easy fix, I'll just look at it now."
"Or we could watch TV for a little bit or something."
"No, I'll just fix it now."
Trevor sat down in front of the sewing machine and turned it on. He took apart pieces, he cleaned it, he put the pieces back together. He tried to sew, he took apart more pieces, he put them back together. He almost hit the machine a few times before I could get the word "NONONO" out of my mouth. He poked his finger on the needle. He looked at everything as hard as he could.
After about an hour of this, I could see he was getting frustrated. I guessed that he was angry that he couldn't figure what should have been a simple problem. Eventually he said "I give up!!" and came and sat next to me on the couch.
He sat there for about 5 minutes before going back and sitting in front of the sewing machine again.
He turned it on again, and started the whole thing over. I came in and asked it I could help.
"No, thanks."
"Do you want a cookie?"
I got him a cookie, and he went back to work. A few minutes later: "AH-HA! I FIXED IT! You're using the wrong bobbin size, and it's messed a bunch of stuff up!" I added bobbins to my shopping list, we ate some more cookies, and then we went to bed.
I love my boys.