
Bloggy Sunday

I realize that this is the 3rd picture blog I've posted today, but I've been promising people I would post this, and now is when I have time.

The babies. I'm trying to look enthusiastic about morning sickness, heartburn, incessant sneezing, and being this big at 16 weeks. I think I'm failing.

I've already lost sight of my feet.

Oh! There they are! They make an appearance when I lean forward.

And there you go. Three for one.


Lorna said...

You and Emmett have both grown in the past week! Lookin great mama!

Rebecca said...

You're so cute! Good luck with the morning sickness. You have all my sympathy!

Big Bopper said...

You don't look ear as big as I thought you would by now.

Michelle & Trevor said...

How big did you think I would be?? You realize I'm only 4 months pregnant, I still have 4 to 5 left!