
I'm Real Good at Making People

That's a whole lot of BABY. Right? Each little girl is about 13-14 inches long right now, with a weight of (probably) just over a pound and a half. So, total, I'm holding 27 inches and lets say 3 pounds and 4 ounces of extra human. In a normal pregnancy, you don't ever carry 27 inches of baby, and you don't get to 3 pounds 4 ounces of baby until 31 weeks. I'm 24 weeks. I'm just sayin'. It's pretty incredible that I haven't exploded yet.

What are the girls up to this week? Well, first off, they're VIABLE. Meaning that if I were to go into labor, they would have a 60-70% chance of survival at this point, which is pretty good. If I had gone into labor last week, they would have had about a 30% chance at living. Not that I'm expecting to go into labor anytime soon, it's just nice to know that if something dramatic were to happen, we would at least be able to try to save them.

The babies are working on their lungs, taste buds and big bad brains. They're also getting fatter. So am I. But my feelings on my looks right now are an entirely different post.

As for the three of us on the outside, we're trying to deal with the transition to toddlerhood with a certain little boy named after a lawyer, and we're trying to have everything ready for the girls by the time I'm 28 weeks pregnant just. in. case. It's going pretty good so far: I have the room painted, and we bought the chair rail last weekend, so that should be going in this weekend. I still don't have a second crib, but I have the sleeper they'll be sleeping in for the first 3 months. We're also still low on clothing, but I have my eye on Craigslist.

So, that's what's going on with us. How are you guys doing?


P&M Inc. said...

No, you haven't exploded yet. . . but it looks to me like you've "blown up." You go girl!

We love the updates. Photos of Atticus are always appreciated.

By the way, the "Word Verification" for this post was: gelpadil. Sounds like some new drug to relieve aching feet

Julie said...

so glad you haven't exploded yet, try to hold off for awhile, we have a great thrift store here in driggs and I will keep my eye open for a crib and girly things for ya, I know the manager and if there is somthing else you have been watching for I can let her know and she will give me a heads up, let me know!