
Two Weeks of Gratitude

For the next two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I'm going to try to write about one thing I'm thankful for each day. They'll probably be in no particular order, just posted as I'm feeling wordy about that particular subject.

Today I'm thankful for Veggie Tales. And Baby Einstein. Now Atticus
does not watch either one of these regularly, but when the teething monster has reared his ugly head, and I feel like I'm about to loose a nut, and I have laundry and dinner and my church calling and X and Y and Z to take care of, I am SO GRATEFUL that I can stick Atticus in front of a Baby Einstein DVD with a toy. I am under no delusion that Baby Einstein is making him smarter, but he can shift his attention between baby Monet and chewing on whatever stuffed toy he's holding, and he'll be quiet and happy.

He doesn't watch Veggie Tales as often, because we don't have any on DVD, but I've pulled it up on Youtube once or twice. He's more into the music. I'm particularly grateful because I LIKE Veggie Tales! I think they're hilarious! It's much easier to listen to than, say, Yo Gabba Gabba. Sorry Monica, but that dude in the orange freaks me out.

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